
I am dangerously obsessed with my newest hobby: pinning.

I had heard of Pinterest through the blogging grapevine. I had been sent a few invites and chalked it up to just another thing to do or manage. I figured google images had been working just fine for me when I needed some inspiration so why sign up for one more thing. But one day after reading Sherry’s love letters to Pinterest over at YHL I was taken back. She too had crazy reservations about Pinterest, all the same ones I had but now was hooked. I have a blog crush on YHL. Sherry is my hero and here she was professing her undying love for this website. So I casually (frantically) clicked on over, signed up and began my Pinterest luuurve fest.

At first pinning things on pinterest was just a way I passed the time while feeding Noah. I could easily glide through the glorious icons single handedly while Noah noshed.

But now I am a full blow pinning addict.

You know the annoying IPhone saying there is an “app for that” it should be “there is a pin for that” and instead of it being annoying it would be super awesome.

I check it morning, noon and night and a million times in between.

Pictures of tiny babies in pea pods, reclaimed wood dining room tables, inspiring quotes and pictures of crunchy fall leaves fill my screen when I log in and I am done for.

Pinterest is a collection of all good things in this world. Things you want to make, things you want to do, things you want to see or taste – all at the click of your mouse.

fall love on pinterest

It is like an online scrap book-to do list-inspiration hub. It is also a time vortex.

Once you log in, hours turn into minutes and you have boards filled with things you could have been doing in the three hours you spent pinning quotes about being productive.

I have already completed a couple Pinterest inspired projects around the house, so at least I am not just living vicariously on my Pinterest boards.

*Please ignore the awful light fixture… making fun a colorful flag bunting banner is funner than installing a light fixture…we are replacing it this weekend…and by we I mean Kevin.

**Also please ignore the bad lighting. the camera flash isn’t good for nap time and that is the only time I can snap a picture!

I have also gathered bazillions of ideas for games, toys, activity’s and projects to do with Noah.

Pinterest has also come in handy in other ways. Just the other night Kevin and I (the most indecisive people in the world) were trying to pick dinner. I typed dinner into the Pinterest search engine and gnocchi with red sauce popped up looking all scrumptious and Italian-y in all of its Pinterest glory and dinner was picked. Props pinterest.

I am over flowing with pinned ideas and pinning love, which I tend to purge on people.

Anyone who has been in ear shot of me in the past two months has been victim to my pinning persuasion. When I laid the Pinterest attack on my mom (she is now a proud pinner) I am pretty sure she thought I had joined some sort of cult.

Kevin lovingly lets me show him my boards and gush over things like sliding farm doors or the newest thing I have found to do with chalk board paint and occasionally he gets excited like when I find a pin to add to my ‘yummy’ board like peanut butter sheet cake.

Basically what I am getting at here, if you have not joined Pinterest – do it. It will change your life and suck up all of your free time…in a good way.

Now back to pinning.

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